
National Facial Protection Month

April is National Facial Protection Month! National Facial Protection Month serves as a reminder over the importance of wearing mouth guards during sports, protecting your beautiful smile. 67% of parents...

National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month and this month we are sharing 3 foods that help your smile shine by keeping your teeth healthy and white. Nutrition plays a key role...

The Importance of Retainers

Congratulations! You are near the end of your smile journey and your braces are about to be off! Nothing like that feeling. Even long after our braces are off, teeth...

Our Loving Wentz Smiles

Our Lubbock, Plainview and surrounding communities are amazing. We love that our job allows us to help our patient’s smiles radiate confidently. We also like to share our patients smiles...

Braces Friendly Foods on Superbowl Sunday

A big holiday is upon us! It is the unofficial holiday all over the United States, The Super Bowl! Which team are you rooting for? If you just received braces...